Even if it Costs me my Life
Caring for a Loved One with an Eating Disorder
Cognitive Behavioural Coaching
Sensate Focus in Sex Therapy
The Origins of Unhappiness
Bisexual and Pansexual Identities
Christianity and Gestalt Therapy
Integrating CBT and Third Wave Therapies
Contemporary Male Sexuality
Thresholds and Pathways Between Jung and Lacan
Interpretation in Jungian Analysis
Narrative Therapies with Children and Their Families
The Evocative Object World
Psychotherapy and the Highly Sensitive Person
Supervision of Sandplay Therapy
The Handbook of Mathematical Cognition
Cognitive Behavior Therapy of DSM-5 Personality Disorders
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Perinatal Distress
The Presence of the Absent
The Art of Holding in Therapy
My Dearest Enemy, My Dangerous Friend
Three Papers of W.R. Bion
Rediscovering Psychoanalysis